Cedar Waxwing taken Nov. 14, 2020
My 8 year old "Dino" the Sulcata Tortoise (R.I.P)
A shrew
Great Spotted Woodpecker and chick
My grand daughter hand feeding
The Christmas Robin
A Frog emerges from my pond
Blue tit chick emerging from the nest box
Harris Hawk I tamed
Kestrel on Pidgeon (2)
Being an ex falconer, I love my raptors
My cousin is a falconer in Ireland
Hamilton On Ca
Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, ON. CA
Cedar Waxwing taken Nov. 14, 2020
My 8 year old "Dino" the Sulcata Tortoise (R.I.P)
A shrew
Great Spotted Woodpecker and chick
My grand daughter hand feeding
The Christmas Robin
A Frog emerges from my pond
Blue tit chick emerging from the nest box
Harris Hawk I tamed
Kestrel on Pidgeon (2)
Being an ex falconer, I love my raptors
My cousin is a falconer in Ireland
Hamilton On Ca
Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, ON. CA
Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, ON. CA