The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place
The Meeting Place Is Where Can Chat And Comment!
Hi Everyone,
I'm doing video editing for the next month before rehearsals start for the January 2025 run of dates. I have a lot of performances from the 2024 Rox-Postrophy tour and previous tours that I will be processing for viewing on my site.
I'm also prepping a lot of music to add to the Silver Subscription. For current Silver members, since there has been a lull in additions to the Silver Plan, you can expect a good handful of FREEBIES to close out the year. Also, there will be more Best, DZ
Love that about you! Super f’n stoked to catch you guys in Napa on the upcoming tour. Trying to balance the stoke with remaining number of days til blast off. I’ve hunkered down in my storage locker for the weekend so I may calculate the proper equation of stoke to remaining time while factoring in number of expected milkshakes, trips to the zoo and prostate massages during that time. I’ve alerted my doctor, as to avoid any complications and I left my kids with enough nature valley granola bars to get them through the weekend. I did forget to bring toilet paper but hey, it’s a storage locker. There’s gotta be something in here. RIGHT? It’s really hard to see though. Like pitch black. I’m considering hiring someone through Tasktabbit to walk up and down the hallway here and engage the lighting motion detection.
Shit. I forgot my pencil too. And my phone is almost dead. And the staff just put a lock on my roll up door as I was meditating in here. So technically, you, Dweezil, are the only person that knows of my location and mission. No pressure though. I’m sure I’ll be able to claw through the heavy gauge aluminum doors once I have this equation done.
Shit. I forgot water too. But it’s cool. It’s just couple days. Or however long it takes to get through the metal.
So yeah. I can’t wait to see you in Napa. And when I do, you can be assured I will be exuding the exact proper amount of stoke. Or, I could potentially be still locked in here.