The Meeting Place

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The Meeting Place

The Meeting Place Is Where Can Chat And Comment!


Will you be selling Hikari Studios shirts and hoodies by chance? I'd definitely buy!

Cass G.

Hello everyone! I just wanted to say to Dweezil, I find it so interesting that your favorite Van Halen song is Push Comes to Shove as I've always felt that some of the guitar parts of that song reminded me of your Dad's 80s tones. Specifically the Any Kind of Pain solo from Broadway the Hard Way. Thanks for bringing that Van Halen song some much needed recognition, it has been one of my favorites as well.

Deejay Honeylove

Hi Dweezil , I really like what you have been doing with your video production. It is apparent that you put the time in and it makes your you tube channel stand out 

Gary L.

Zombie woof solo is unbelievably good!

Show was great in Ft Lauderdale 

Also saw you with the Hendrix Experience  at pompano beach amputheatre!

Rosemary A.

Dweezil, Nashville was the BEST SHOW!! We saw you in Alexandria last fall. I wondered that if it would be a repeat, which would have been ok--I can listen to you and your band all day. But, it was a totally different show. (I, personally, believe Nashville brings out the best in folks who play here.) You guys were kicking it and seemed to be having a blast! WE WERE TOO! LOVED! You never know who may show up on stage here and seeing the Nelson bros and hearing Aaron Sterling, wow! The smiles on the band's faces watching him play were classic! And!!! Your uncle being in the audience (right in front of us!) was heart warming. Hope to see you playing more in "little ol' Nashvul." TRULY!!! Cheers!

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