Hi, Dweezil, Thanks for releasing these gems! Very powerful arrangements, and unique versions of all tracks indeed. With Rollo definitely being my favorite version ever. I hope there will be many more of these releases - it is a pity physical releases are no longer an option in today's music business climate, but the most important thing is that the music can still be heard.
Just to add a slight hint at what I think would be a good idea to include on a future release: MAN how I would LOVE to hear the complete version of THE MUD SHARK, the beginning of which can be heard in the fade out of I Am The Walrus!! The 1970/1971 period of Frank's music has always been very dear to me, as that was the first of his music I ever heard, and got me hooked on it for life - I am really (REALLY) curious how this track, only known in as played by this particular (and fairly small) group of musicians, would sound with the amount and variety of musicians you had on stage here!!
Thanks for what you're doing keeping Frank's music alive! Ton
I myself am very very happy that you're playing your father's "muzak" present so the future generations and all of us old Frank fans can hear the genius of what he wrote and you're a fantastic guitar player Apple doesn't fall far from the tree probably even better than your dad as far as that goes and I love the spin that you put on it and I love the music that you do on your own I think it's it's magnificent I've been a fan of Frank since I started listening to him in 1972 I believe might have even been 71 , actually met him on the Joe's garage tour meant one of his truck drivers and went on the road with them for a bit. It was great meant Frank the first night out and had a wonderful time .Something I'll never forget.
one of the reasons I wanted to be a truck driver was drive rock and roll bands equipment around however I didn't get into it back then, I should have.
I started driving truck in 2015 when I was 55 years old not rock and roll trucks though the whole getting into that nowadays is a lot harder than it was in the old days I'd love to drive bus or truck.
I just saw you in Napa California .
I live in Boise I grew up in Oregon and used to see music in Portland all the time that's why I saw your dad and the next year when they came back they let me in and had a great time that time too so thank you for keeping his music alive and thank you for playing your music and I love all the players in your bands. Keep on keeping on and I'll see you when I can.
Thank you for the music and for going back on the road to bring it to the lonely, desperate people everywhere. I will be attending the show in Dallas in a few weeks. I am bringing my adult daughter, who knows practically nothing of Frank's music and what you are doing to share it. I can't wait--to see the show and experience her reaction to it.
I was also very surprised by the instrumental bridge in the '80s section of Bamboozled By Love, instead of the Owner Of A Lonely Heart riff, given that y'all did My Sharona almost full-on Was that breakdown something a previous band did? It was very tight and sounded great with the horns, but it was definitely unfamiliar, so I'd love to know the origin of that section
It was pulled from an unreleased instrumental that my dad was working on in 1980. We used sections in Bamboozled by Love on that tour as well as the pre-amble to Beautiful Guy.
i did add my own thing on top of the bamboozled section, the Indian sounding guitar line that sax doubles.
I like finding nuggets of cool unfamiliar things and using them for texture.
Nice! Just jammed the intro to Beautiful Guy from the U R WUT U IZ mini-concert, and I hear the similarity Thanks for keeping the music alive and growing
Fantastic record Brother, wonderful holiday gift I absolutely love that you took the time to apologize for My Sharona, what a beautiful and totally unnecessary display of courtesy I feel like your dad might have told the crowd to fuck off if they didn't like it, but I vastly prefer your approach Really hope I can make the Tucson gig, but it's a bit of a trek from ABQ, and the kids' school will have started, so I doubt it Stoked I got to hit two shows on the first leg, but for now, albums like Horny will satisfy my Zappa needs Sending Good Vibes to you and yours, Much Love
I clicked cause of the robot. Stayed for the music.
Hi, Dweezil,
Thanks for releasing these gems! Very powerful arrangements, and unique versions of all tracks indeed. With Rollo definitely being my favorite version ever.
I hope there will be many more of these releases - it is a pity physical releases are no longer an option in today's music business climate, but the most important thing is that the music can still be heard.
Just to add a slight hint at what I think would be a good idea to include on a future release: MAN how I would LOVE to hear the complete version of THE MUD SHARK, the beginning of which can be heard in the fade out of I Am The Walrus!!
The 1970/1971 period of Frank's music has always been very dear to me, as that was the first of his music I ever heard, and got me hooked on it for life - I am really (REALLY) curious how this track, only known in as played by this particular (and fairly small) group of musicians, would sound with the amount and variety of musicians you had on stage here!!
Thanks for what you're doing keeping Frank's music alive!
I myself am very very happy that you're playing your father's "muzak" present so the future generations and all of us old Frank fans can hear the genius of what he wrote and you're a fantastic guitar player Apple doesn't fall far from the tree probably even better than your dad as far as that goes and I love the spin that you put on it and I love the music that you do on your own I think it's it's magnificent I've been a fan of Frank since I started listening to him in 1972 I believe might have even been 71 , actually met him on the Joe's garage tour meant one of his truck drivers and went on the road with them for a bit. It was great meant Frank the first night out and had a wonderful time .Something I'll never forget.
one of the reasons I wanted to be a truck driver was drive rock and roll bands equipment around however I didn't get into it back then, I should have.
I started driving truck in 2015 when I was 55 years old not rock and roll trucks though the whole getting into that nowadays is a lot harder than it was in the old days I'd love to drive bus or truck.
I just saw you in Napa California .
I live in Boise I grew up in Oregon and used to see music in Portland all the time that's why I saw your dad and the next year when they came back they let me in and had a great time that time too so thank you for keeping his music alive and thank you for playing your music and I love all the players in your bands. Keep on keeping on and I'll see you when I can.
Hi Dweezil, why not tour Europe with these musicians under the ZplZ logo? Maybe add Mats & Morgan and you've got a killer band.
I've never felt so horny in all my life. Thanks Dweez, this sounds outstanding!
This is unbelievably great! Thank you releasing this!
Just downloaded and listened <3 Thank you for this wonderful music DZ!
When was this recorded??
2015, I think
...or 2017 come to think of it :)
Rollo is really something else. It all sounds incredible. Thank you, Dweezil. Happy Holydays!!!
Dweezil i cant thank you for this. I have been listening to this 2 days and i just cry of happyness.
Mind blown.
Thank you for the music and for going back on the road to bring it to the lonely, desperate people everywhere. I will be attending the show in Dallas in a few weeks. I am bringing my adult daughter, who knows practically nothing of Frank's music and what you are doing to share it. I can't wait--to see the show and experience her reaction to it.
The " eyebrows " are superb.
Enjoying this! Thanks!
P.S. " Rollo " sounds so freaking beeachitin.'
Thank you! That arrangement combines all iterations of the composition.
I was also very surprised by the instrumental bridge in the '80s section of Bamboozled By Love, instead of the Owner Of A Lonely Heart riff, given that y'all did My Sharona almost full-on
Was that breakdown something a previous band did? It was very tight and sounded great with the horns, but it was definitely unfamiliar, so I'd love to know the origin of that section
It was pulled from an unreleased instrumental that my dad was working on in 1980. We used sections in Bamboozled by Love on that tour as well as the pre-amble to Beautiful Guy.
i did add my own thing on top of the bamboozled section, the Indian sounding guitar line that sax doubles.
I like finding nuggets of cool unfamiliar things and using them for texture.
Nice! Just jammed the intro to Beautiful Guy from the U R WUT U IZ mini-concert, and I hear the similarity
Thanks for keeping the music alive and growing
Fantastic record Brother, wonderful holiday gift
I absolutely love that you took the time to apologize for My Sharona, what a beautiful and totally unnecessary display of courtesy
I feel like your dad might have told the crowd to fuck off if they didn't like it, but I vastly prefer your approach
Really hope I can make the Tucson gig, but it's a bit of a trek from ABQ, and the kids' school will have started, so I doubt it
Stoked I got to hit two shows on the first leg, but for now, albums like Horny will satisfy my Zappa needs
Sending Good Vibes to you and yours, Much Love
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the album and tour!
Wow. I’m definitely feeling a type of way after listening to these tunes. You are a guitar god.
Thank you! Glad you’re enjoying the music.
Did Dweezil Zappa just thank ME for listening to him? Excuse me while I walk on a cloud for the rest of this beautiful day.
This is great Dweezil, but although I’m a silver subscriber I can’t listen to the songs 4 to 10. Can you fix this please.
The song selections should be working. Can you please verify that you are able to listen and download with your silver subscription? Thanks!
Merry Christmas and thank you Dweezil!
Thanks for the Christmas tunes…hope you and yours had a great day…see you soon…dd