John E.

Fuck the politics I am here to ask a dieing question. I am 64 and followed Dad will you EVER do a tribute (much deserved) Joes garage acts 1,2 ans 3) you would fulfill a dream and probably make a ton!

John E.

By the way GO TRUMP!

Arthur A.

Your right I was just making a comment about Trump because of the song. Everything and everyone was up for grabs Republicans,democrats,religious leaders and religious fanatics and the world with Frank and yes humor does belong in music

Arthur A.

I wish Frank was here to hear what he would have to say about Trump in conversation and in song. I still miss Frank Zappa 

Doug C

Yes, but remember, Frank had much to lampoon on both sides of the political aisle. Unfortunately our politicians haven't changed since Frank left us.

Dennis F.

Frank hated republicans and the religious right. 

neil g.

LAME.Bought to you via CNN,MNSBC etc...

Claudio Trapletti

Frank Zappa would have sing the same words....still actual....