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John F.

John F. liked the profile status New content out, new album out, sixth studio album in 6 years since 2018. ...

New content out, new album out, sixth studio album in 6 years since 2018. Comment
John F.

John F. became friends with Alvalanker H.

Alvalanker H.
John F.

John F. joined the group The Meeting Place

John F.

John F. liked the comment on The Meeting Place

I am planning to film the tour so there will be a concert documentary at some point. Also, in July I will be offering a new subscription that will allow access to exclusive content and live video streaming of some key......Read more
John F.

John F. liked the comment on The Meeting Place

Dang, that’s to bad. I totally understand though, I’ve been reading and following everything you’ve had to do to get this tour up and going. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you make it to Texas next time. Good luck with the......Read more
John F.

John F. liked the comment on 98 Days Until The Tour (Hungry Freaks Rehearsal)

Sounding solid...Chicago or Bust!......Read more
John F.

John F. liked the comment on 98 Days Until The Tour (Hungry Freaks Rehearsal)

See you in Mineapolis!......Read more
John F.

John F. liked the video Wild Love


Hot Rats tour opening night Mississauga Ontario ! Have a Great weekend 

John F.

We saw Winnipeg on that tour. Met Cian and DZ, got the set list too!  We had a great time in Canada!