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Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux posted a comment on the group The Meeting Place

Cher Dweezil , Pardonnez-moi d'être hors sujet. Je viens de voir le film sur ton voyage en famille en Sicile pour retrouver tes racines. J'ai un ami suisse, originaire de Sicile par son père qui a rejoint la Suisse presque au......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux joined the group The Meeting Place

Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux liked the comment on The Meeting Place

Hi Everyone! I've been quite busy prepping for the tour but I wanted to pop in and let you all know that I appreciate your support! I have done some technical tests on the site and it is now possible for me to do some things......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux posted a comment on Dweezil's profile

Cher Dweezil, your talent is incredible. You take at your father music a dimension actually. Thank you for your music. It is very great, very good. Your music is interesting, strong, brilliant, beautiful. I like it. Thank......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux liked the comment on COUNTDOWN TO ROXPOSTROPHY!

Dweezil, you are the man.  Thank you so much for showcasing your father's music.  My dad introduced me to your dad's music and I can't wait to see you all perform it...I will be right next to my dad savoring every moment. ......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux liked the comment on COUNTDOWN TO ROXPOSTROPHY!

I remember back in the 60's (I'm 75 now) we were all hung up on the Beatles, the Stones etc. and they were all good. THEN one of my friends found a store that specialised in import L.P's. He managed to find a copy of "Freak......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux posted a comment on the blog post COUNTDOWN TO ROXPOSTROPHY!

Excellent, thank you Dweezil for your great idea.  Friendly  Patric Chenaux ......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Patric Chenaux liked the blog post COUNTDOWN TO ROXPOSTROPHY!

Hello Everyone! The Roxpostrophy Tour begins August 1st, 2024 and we are counting down the days with behind-the-scenes videos here and on Instagram.   This is the place to binge-watch everything! Tickets are selling......Read more
Patric  Chenaux

Il est triste que Dweezil ne puisse plus tourner cette année. Il devrait contacter le musicien suisse, très reconnu en Suisse, peut-être son cousin, pour parler de tout cela.