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David D

I just watched Inca roads again for the first time in awhile from the 2006 video and song/solo means so much to me because that is the song that made me a lifer...I can’t thank you enough for keeping this awesome music alive/live...dd

David D

Sounds great...can’t wait...hope all is well...dd

David D

Dz...I know you are super busy with the Van Halen podcast ...but this show would be a fantastic gift for Zappa fans 


Hi David,

It's definitely in the works. Been checking into delivery options for multi-channel ambisonic mixes and some other final tweaks on the show.


Their is a Mustachioed Dude up there some where saying "oh my goodness, look at her go!!"

Phil C.

An excellent band - personal favorite.  Sheila at stage left?  Liked the Sugarcane licks.  Whoever was on the mix and ignored Pete on bass at 7:00 should be ashamed.  Nice, nice, nice, ending!!!


Thanks Phil. BTW Pete is not playing at 7:00 minutes in the song, That's where the drum solo lives. Bass comes in loud and clear right after that.

Brian M.

Sounds and looks great!! Awesome show!! How are you getting the violin sound on your guitar? The audience mics sound very creamy! Great tones on all the instruments. I am cranking it in my little home studio and streaming it even sounds killer! Great job everyone involved!  


Hi Brian,

This project will deliver extremely hi quality audio and video. I worked on the mixes with a great friend of mine named Mike Hartung. He has a studio in Oslo Norway. He's a top notch audio engineer and we worked together to bring out every detail.


I forgot to answer your question Brian, about the violin sound. It's a stereo sound I made inside the Fractal Axe Effects utilizes a synth module and a dynaflanger plus a phaser and some reverb.

David G

Wow! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend a show during that tour. One my favorite albums. 

Bruce C.

Hot Rats came out when I was 14 and had been playing sax for a year.  Ian Underwood's solo on Gumbo Variations was one of the first solos I learned note-for-note. Only decades later when Frank released the raw studio tapes did I discover that I'd learned an edited solo haha. Anyway, this is a great rendition, especially the faithful guitar homage to Ponty's solo.  thanks


Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes studio magic shapes the performances in ways we never knew. Also, as much as I love Jean Luc Ponty's playing, I also love Don Sugar Cane Harris' playing too. Sugar Cane played on Gumbo! I did learn some of his licks and tried to emulate his violin sound with my guitar.

Shawn / Laughingmonkeymusic

Great quality & sound! 

Richard Morency

Can't wait for the full show!


Mr S.

That was a fun tour! 
Just take my money.!.

looking forward to the film. 

David D

That’s some great jamming 


My god she is so amazing ! One of my favourite songs performed by the band .... I was days away from my 3rd Hot Rats show and would have seen this again. Can’t wait for you guys to get back out there DZ .... this is fabulous! 

Timothy G.

OMG WOW WOW WOW absolutely amazing, Love you all so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you!



Thank you !

Vicki H.

Outstanding! Great video work and the music to die for! Can’t wait for the whole show! Thanks Dweezil!

James D.

unbelievable, Thank You.


I can't wait for the full release. Looks amazing and as always sounds fuckin' awesome.

Dan from Toronto

What a great performance. Go Sheila! Can’t wait to see a live show again. This social distance stuff has gone on long enough.

See you at the Phoenix?

Keep well and keep the music alive. Thank you Dweezil.


Jeez, Dweezil! I know you probably spend infinite time getting those tones, but it's totally worth it. When you shifted from that sweet violin tone down to that solo with dirt and subtle wah? Mind-blowing.