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Jeff A.

Jeff A. became friends with Phil

Jeff A.

Jeff A. liked the comment on DWEEZIL ZAPPA - APOSTROPHE LIVE ALBUM

Hi Jeff, I probably won't get a chance to make this a vinyl album. It's too expensive to manufacture and the audience is too limited. I will be releasing multi-channel audio downloads when we get that set up on the site. The......Read more
Jeff A.

Jeff A. posted a comment on the article DWEEZIL ZAPPA - APOSTROPHE LIVE ALBUM

It looks like we have to buy it. Non-members get to buy one song at a time. We get to pay $18. Hmmm... I honestly thought if not a free deal we'd at least get a discount. $18 is steep for a download. Just my opinion but I'll......Read more
Jeff A.

Jeff A. posted a comment on the article DWEEZIL ZAPPA - APOSTROPHE LIVE ALBUM

If on vinyl, I'm in. But thanks for the download also.......Read more
Jeff A.

Jeff A. completed his profile

Jeff A.

Jeff A. updated his profile

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