You should be proud.

Jeffrey W.

 I can't help but think about what a fantastic son Dweezil is. I can not attest to his personal life and I do not care to. But the manner in which he carrys himself, honors his father's legacy and continues to produce and distribute Frank's art would make any father proud. it would be tough to take on that body of work and learn it well enough to be able to do it justice but not make it your own.  They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, What would you call faithfully reproducing the groove ,tone and PRAT (pace , rhythm and timing) of a work to the point of recapturing the feel of the original? I am a 56 year old father of one and all I know is Frank raised a hell of a son and were I him looking down from where ever he is my eye would bear a tear and my heart would be full of the pride I feel for the man before me. 

 Kudos to both of you

Jaden L.

Aha, that's good to hear!

Charles T.

It's genuinely touching to see such profound appreciation for Dweezil's commitment to honoring his father's legacy. It's undoubtedly a monumental task to capture the essence of Frank's music and reproduce it with the same fervor and precision. Dweezil's dedication to preserving and sharing his father's artistry is commendable, and it's wonderful to know that fans like you recognize and value this. It's the passion and support from individuals like you that fuels the continuation of such musical legacies. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for sharing your sentiments.

Paul K.

Sometimes we can be anything or anyone as great as we want to be. However, we also need to understand that there is nothing as easy as playing the guitar. To make good music, we have to have a process and go through arduous days.

Priscilla F.

Yed!!! You're right...

Lou J.

What can I say, like father like son. Consummate musicians!  That's an adjective.

rudri r.

i've met dweezil a few times when he was touring with lisa ...

Lesa M.

As one of the few (many?!) female fans of Zappa music and ethos, I’m grateful you’re carrying on your father’s musical legacy. It seems understated to say he was one-of-a-kind, but you and the band remind us of that with every performance. Hope to see you on a stage somewhere in LA again soon, Dweezil! {-

Lesa M.

By the way, I am now living in upstate New York, so if there’s any chance you will tour through there, I hope to catch you, Sheila, and the rest of your amazing musicians there somewhere!

John H.

You're so right, D.  Frank had the most astute mind politically and there is no one out there commenting like he did.  I think of him often.


I met Dweezil personally in 2010 became friends and consider him a genuine personal friend.
Musicianship, positivity, generosity, artistry, honesty, creativeness; (coolness). Willing to share riffs and musical ideas past and present, as well as keeping it real just talking about life over a bowl of pasta. 



Al A. Kazam

Hey, Jeffrey. ^re you a silver subscriber? 

Jeffrey  S.

Why, Yes I am !

james s.

i feel bad that the family seemingly got torn apart with how the estate was split. why on earth would their mom not give equal portions to each kid?? and dweezil and ahmet were such good buddies and now i don't think they talk much and there's a divide in the family. money does funny things to people. happened in my family, aswell. relatives we trusted lied and stole from my grandma's estate and now we don't talk. it's such a betrayal.

i've met dweezil a few times when he was touring with lisa loeb and the both of them couldn't be nicer people. and dweezil is a HUGE EVH fan, like myself. it still hurts me that edward is no longer with us. he was my fave musician of my fave band since i was 11 and i'm 51 now.

Jim C.

I could not agree with Jeffrey W. More!!!

joe pepe lombardo

I'm happy I got to see Frank in the 70s and 80s and ZPZ to more than 20 times 


Hola amigo


Hi Folks,

I appreciate the kind words. I have always been inspired by my dad not only his music but him as a person. He was a truly unique person and his wisdom is sorely missed these days.

In order to learn his music and assemble a competent band to play it was a massive undertaking. It took years to get it up and running and once it was up and running I spent nearly a quarter of my life continuing to learn even more about the music. The whole experience was the closest thing to having an ongoing conversation with my dad. He didn't answer the questions right away but he did reveal the answers over time.

I'm grateful that people enjoyed the way we played the music. We strove to make it an apples-to-apples comparison. One of these days I hope we can play it some more. Best, DZ

Jeffrey W.

 Thanks for taking the time to reply. I hope to catch you live and look forward to the day. I was lucky enough to see Frank during the Shut up and play yer guitar tour in Eugene Oregon. It was fantastic. Please do more of Franks music. I really wish to see it.


 Jeffrey W

lin K.

You are accurate, and I wholeheartedly concur.

james s.

i can't say i was a huge fan of your dad's music (just not my thing, for the most part) but i certainly respected him- a very smart guy and a talented guitar player. he definitely was a unique person and i enjoyed his interviews and perspective.

i've met you a few times after shows when you were playing with lisa loeb and the both of you couldn't have been nicer people.

Paul L.

Thank you Dweezil for all the outstanding music - it's good for the soul. I truly hope you and the band can make it back to Rhode Island. If you do, I will provide either a pre-show or after show helping of Lobster Rolls for you and the band. Safe travels and keep the notes traveling on the breeze. Paul L. North Kingstown RI

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Moshe  H.

Yess you are right i am totally agree with you this kid was such a inspiration for others who just use their father to grow up and then they dumb their parents this is so shameful and i  thank god that i am not in them.


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