joe pepe lombardo
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joe pepe lombardo posted a comment on the group The Meeting Place
I just watched Dweezil with Deep Purple first time I heard of this, Dweezil played the solo on Smoke Under Water, who was the blond guy on Dweezils left anyone know? It wasn't Richy Blackmore......Read more

joe pepe lombardo joined the group The Meeting Place

joe pepe lombardo posted a comment on the song LEATHER TURKEY
I love this music ......Read more

joe pepe lombardo posted a comment on the song ZOMBY WOOF 2.0
Awesome music love it all......Read more

joe pepe lombardo posted a comment on the song Any Downers
Love this song ......Read more

joe pepe lombardo posted a comment on the song LEATHER TURKEY
LOVE it ......Read more

joe pepe lombardo replied to the forum post You should be proud.
I'm happy I got to see Frank in the 70s and 80s and ZPZ to more than 20 times ......Read more

joe pepe lombardo liked the comment on Outside Now (Cup Of Joe)
So good! Mr White's vocals are brilliant.......Read more